12-13 MARCH 2025
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Arrangements of Exhibits 

  • Exhibits should be arranged as to not obstruct or interfere with the exhibits of others.
  • The exhibitor must mask off any unsightly display areas.
  • Exhibition organisers will determine unsightly stands.
  • Location of the exhibition: all measurements and exhibit space layouts on the floor plan are as accurate as possible, but the organiser reserves the right to make such modifications and change exhibit space assignments as may be necessary to adjust the floor plan at any time to meet the needs of the organiser, exhibitor and the exhibits.
  • Aisles: all aisles must be clear of exhibits.
  • Interviews, demonstrations and distribution of literature must be made inside the exhibition spaces.
  • Installation: all exhibitor displays must be completely installed within the time designated for this purpose by the show organiser.

Installation and Removal of Items

Exhibits must be in place by Wednesday 12 March at 9:00.
Dismantling may not begin until 17:30 on Thursday 13 March and all exhibits must be removed by Thursday 13 March at 18:00.
Materials not removed by this time will be removed by the organiser and put in storage at the exhibitors’ expense.

Exact hours of installation and dismantling are subject to change at the discretion of the organiser. 


Exhibit Hours 

The exhibition will be held on 12 and 13 March 2025 at the TOBACCO Theater and will be open in accordance with the following schedule:

  • Wednesday, 12 March: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday, 13 March: 09:00 - 17:30 

The organiser reserves the right to change exhibit hours and/or to change the number of days or dates of the exhibition, as it may be desirable. Exhibitors shall not, during the 2-day period of the exhibition, conduct or sponsor any classes, seminars, exhibits or similar activities other than those provided for hereunder.

Fire, Safety and Health

The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local and national ordinances and regulations covering fire, safety and health. All exhibit equipment and materials will be reasonably located within the display and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary. Only fireproof materials should be used in displays and the exhibitor will take the necessary fire precautions.

Exhibits must not be blocking any emergency exits.

Moving Pictures, Sound (devices) and Lighting

If moving pictures are used, the exhibitor agrees to comply with requirements for the operation of the equipment. Sound movies will be permitted if tuned to a conversational level and if not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. If loudspeakers or sound devices are used, they should be tuned to a conversational level and must not be objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. The organiser reserves the right to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable lighting effects.


Use of Music during Exhibition 

It shall be the responsibility of any exhibitor wishing to play music in their display to secure any necessary music licensing agreements and fee payments with the appropriate agencies. The organiser bears no responsibility for any legal action, fines, litigation, etc., incurred by exhibitors who have not obtained said agreements and/or made said fee payments.


Delivery and Removal during show hours 

Under no circumstances will the delivery or removal of any portion of an exhibit be permitted during the show hours without permission first being secured in writing from the organiser.


Exhibitor Personnel and Others 

The organiser reserves the right to prohibit an exhibit or part of an exhibit, which in their judgment may detract from the character of the exhibition. Canvassing in exhibit halls or distribution of advertising matter or souvenirs by representatives of non-exhibiting firms is strictly forbidden. Exhibiting companies must have permission from the organiser.



It is mutually understood and agreed that the organiser shall use proper and reasonable care to have all power services installed in time for the opening of the show. Proper and reasonable care shall be taken to prevent the interruption of power services during the exhibition. However, the organiser shall not be held responsible for late installation or interruption that may occur.


Food and Beverages 

Exhibitor distribution of food and beverages for consumption in the building may only be made with the permission of the organiser. Any food or refreshment distributed or consumed by the exhibitor shall, at the exhibitor's risk and expense, comply with all applicable national and local sanitary and safety laws and regulations. An exhibitor is NOT allowed to sell food or beverages.


Liability and Insurance 

Neither the organiser nor its agents or representatives will be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor's employees or property from any cause. Under no circumstances will the organiser be liable for lost profits or other incidental or consequential damages. The exhibitor shall obtain, at its own expense, adequate insurance against any such injury, loss or damage.

The organiser shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under this contract as a result of strikes, riots, acts of God, or any other cause beyond its control. Anyone visiting, viewing or otherwise participating in the exhibitor’s exhibit is deemed to be the invitee or licensee of the exhibitor, rather than the invitee or licensee of the organiser. The organiser shall not be liable for any injury or whatsoever to the property of the exhibitor or to persons conducting or otherwise participating in the conduct of the exhibitor to invitees or guests of the exhibitor.

The exhibitor assumes full responsibility and liability for the actions of its agents, employees or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority and agree to hold harmless the organiser and the exhibit hall from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly or jointly, from other causes which arise because of the actions or omissions of its agents, employees or independent contractors, whether within or without the scope of authority.

There is no other agreement or warranty between the exhibitor and the organiser except as set forth on this page. The rights of the organiser under this contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorised officer of the organiser.


Security and Insurance 

The exhibitor is solely and fully responsible for its exhibit and material and should insure its exhibit against loss or damage from any causes whatsoever. All property of an exhibitor is understood to remain in its care, custody and control in transit to or from or within the confines of the exhibit room.


Unoccupied Space 

The organiser reserves the right, should any rented exhibitor's space remain unoccupied on the opening day, or should any space be forfeited due to failure to make proper payment, to rent said space to any other exhibitor, or use said space in any other manner the organiser feels necessary. This clause shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the exhibitor to pay the full amount, specified in his contract for space rental should the organiser not resell the space. When space application is accepted and space is assigned, the exhibitor is liable for full payment.


Fulfilment of Contract

In case the exhibition is damaged or destroyed by fire, the elements or by any other cause, or if circumstances shall make it impossible for the organiser to permit an exhibitor or exhibitors to occupy the space assigned during any part or the whole of the period covered, then during such circumstances Clarion Events and the Hotel will not be liable for the fulfilment of this contract as to the delivery of space and the exhibitor will be reimbursed a proportionate share of the space rental.



Payment should be received prior to the event. In the event that it becomes necessary for the organiser to engage outside services for the collection of any outstanding payments, the exhibitor agrees to pay all legal fees incurred. If payments have not been received on time the organiser is free to cancel participation and refuse access at the entrance of the exhibition.


Taxes and Licenses 

The exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits or approvals required under local or national law applicable to their activity at the exposition. Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any tax identification numbers and paying all taxes, license fees or other charges that shall become due to any governmental authority in connection with their activities at the exposition.


Cancellation of an Exhibitor 

In the event that exhibitor wishes to cancel some or all of its allotted exhibit space, the exhibitor may request and the organiser may grant such cancellation, but only with the following understandings:

  • All cancellations must be requested in writing and addressed to Clarion Events.
  • The organiser is not required to refund any portion of money (the 50% deposit, full fee or otherwise) previously paid by the exhibitor.
  • If the exhibitor’s cancellation request is received by the organiser after the Agreement has become effective, but before the final payment date, the exhibitor nevertheless agrees to pay the 50% deposit before such cancellation will become effective.
  • If the organiser receives the exhibitor’s cancellation request after the final payment date, the exhibitor nevertheless agrees to pay the full booth rental fee based on the original space requirements, before such cancellation will become effective.
  • The organiser assumes no responsibility for having included the name of the exhibitor in the Event promotional material, such as brochures, news releases, or others.

Exhibition Coordinator

The organiser of European Industrial Energy Days 2025 is Clarion Events. For address details and contact persons of Clarion Events please click here.